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3 things to remember while applying for a fine arts degree

3 things to remember while applying for a fine arts degree

Applying for a fine arts school is exciting as well as intimidating. The degree of fine arts typically lasts for 4 years, and can alter you in so many ways as an artist and eventually your perspective towards life. Since getting into a fine arts school is not an easy act, here are 3 things you should meticulously focus on when you’re commencing with your application procedure.
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Career possibilities after pursuing a fine arts degree

Career possibilities after pursuing a fine arts degree

If you’re considering a degree in fine arts and contemplating what kind of career prospects will it offer to you, don’t worry, because there are plenty. A fine arts degree comprises a variety of majors for you to study and specialize. After a bachelor’s degree, you also have an option of studying a master’s course to further hone your artistic abilities.
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Innovative musical instruments of 21st century

Innovative musical instruments of 21st century

What cannot be contained? Certainly there are many answers to this question but music will always manage to make it to the top of this list. Through the centuries music has evolved and reached all kinds of milestones, creating many more for us to scale. Delving into uncharted territories, geographically, culturally or otherwise, musicians worldwide have taken the tradition and turned it into innovation.
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Types of Orthotics

Types of Orthotics

The term orthotics is derived from the Greek word ‘ortho’ indicating to align or to straighten something. It is used in the field of medical science today and is primarily concerned with the design, making, and application of the orthotics, an externally fitted device which helps in the modification of the structural as well as functional characteristics of the skeletal and neuromuscular system.
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The Wonders of Orthotics

The Wonders of Orthotics

Orthotics can be defined as a support, brace or splint used for aiding, preventing and correcting the functionalities of different moveable parts of the human body. For instance, the shoe inserts can also be called orthotics as they help in the correction of the abnormal and irregular pattern of walking by altering the angles at which the foot touches the floor surface.
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Healthy vegetable recipes to tickle your taste-buds

Healthy vegetable recipes to tickle your taste-buds

Though vegetables are one in the list of healthy food items, we seldom crave for those. Vegetables are power-packed with vitamins and minerals that our body needs to stay healthy and energetic. It is a good source of fiber and significantly low in calories. Also, they reduce the risk of many diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.
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